Christian Science
Christian Science is the law of God as taught and practiced by Christ Jesus. It is Science because it is spiritual knowledge operating through God's law available for any sincere seeker to study and practice. God's law is the power of infinite good, supreme over sin, sickness and death. The study and practice of Jesus' teachings as God's law results in salvation from sin and healing of sickness.
The Science of Christ's teachings was discovered in 1866 by Mary Baker Eddy, a devout New England woman. Instantaneously cured of the effects of an accident through reading one of Jesus' healings, she realized that healing was God's law operating in human experience. She began to perform "miraculous" healings routinely and found she could teach others to do the same.
Christian Science is a Protestant religion, based on the King James Version of the Bible. Biblical marvels are accepted as fact including Jesus' virgin birth, bodily crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. Jesus is acknowledged as the physical incarnation of the Christ, the Son of God, and Savior of the world. Salvation is gained through spiritual baptism, regeneration and following the way of Christ as demonstrated by Jesus.
The full explanation of Christian Science, including the tenets, is in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mrs. Eddy. Written as the result of Scriptural study, revelation, and actual experience in spiritual healing, the book seeks to change the reader's perception from a material to a spiritual foundation.
Worship services are held each Sunday and Wednesday. They are conducted by Readers elected from the congregation. A uniform Bible Lesson is studied by Christian Scientists around the world during the week before it is read at the Sunday service. Wednesday services include testimonies of healing spontaneously shared. Christian Science Churches are houses of prayer only, so there are no fellowship halls, kitchens or secular activities. Christian Science Reading Rooms provide information, publications, and a study room serving for use during the week. Christian Science nurses are available and are trained to provide practical care for patients choosing God as their Physician. Christian Science practitioners are available and are taught to be able to provide prayerful help to anyone seeking spiritual healing and a better understanding of God.